Dental Crowns



Cavities, cracks, and chips can all cause severe damage to your tooth. While fillings are often used to correct these, sometimes the damage is just too much for a filling to be effective. If this is the case, Dr. Rob will suggest using a dental crown or cap to take care of this problem.

Dental Crowns strengthen and improve the appearance of discolored or badly shaped natural teeth, support a tooth with a large hole, protect a weak tooth from breaking, restore those that are already broken or chipped, or cover a dental implant. They are a versatile and effective cosmetic dentistry option.


Dental Crowns are one of the most common dental procedures performed by dentists around the world and Robert D. Aufrichtig, D.M.D. is proud to provide dental crowns to those in the Mt. Kisco area.

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped ‘cap’ that is placed over a damaged tooth in order to restore its shape, size, and strength, and improve its appearance. Dental crowns perform several important functions including protecting weak teeth, restoring broken teeth, preventing further damage to cracked teeth, and supporting teeth with large fillings. Crowns are an effective solution in the following situations:


  • To protect a weak tooth from fracturing
  • To restore a broken tooth or severely worn-down tooth
  • To cover a tooth with a large filling when there is not a lot of the tooth left
  • To hold a dental bridge in place
  • To cover discolored teeth or poorly shaped teeth
  • To cover a dental implant
  • To restore a tooth after a root canal
  • To make a cosmetic modification


If you’re in need of a dental crown, rely on Robert D. Aufrichtig, D.M.D. to achieve a brighter-looking and healthier smile. No matter your dental struggles, it’s time to schedule a consultation with our dentist. Dr. Rob will assess your smile and determine if a dental crown or another type of cosmetic dentistry solution is right for you. We also provide top-notch general and pediatric dentistry options. Whether you or your child is dealing with dental issues, our experienced team is here to help.


In the event of a dental emergency, please contact of office to let us know you’re on your way in. We’re proud to provide innovative dental crown solutions for residents across Mt. Kisco, NY. 

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