Dental Implants



Robert D. Aufrichtig, D.M.D. uses dentures , bridges , dental veneers and other implants to not only improve the look and feel of your smile, but to completely change your dental health!


Dental Implants are essentially titanium “roots” that are placed into the jawbone to support crowns, bridges, and secure complete dentures. A dental implant can take the place of a missing tooth and gives the appearance of a natural tooth. These can even be used to eliminate the need for partial plates or partial dentures. 

Dental Implants come in three parts—the implant, the abutment, and the crown. The dental implant is the screw that attaches to your jaw and serves as a root for your new teeth. The abutment is a connector that supports and holds a tooth or set of teeth. The crown is the visible part of the dental implant that is usually made of zirconium or porcelain for durability and aesthetics. Our Mt. Kisco-based team is here to assist you throughout the entire process.


In the past 30 years, implants have become the cosmetic dentistry standard for replacing missing teeth. Though there is generally more cost associated with this procedure, choosing implants is a worthy investment that will pay off for you in the long run. For more information about our dental implant procedure, contact our office today!



Dental implants are considered the safest, most predictable dental procedure and have been used successfully by 3 million Americans and as many as 500,000 people receive dental implants each year. They are seen as the best comprehensive solution to one or several missing teeth. They are a great option for oral health as they offer a foundation for replacement teeth to be placed on. An implant is a synthetic tooth root which is made of titanium and is securely anchored to the jaw to serve as the root for a dental crown.  Dental implants have a very high success rate and typically last up to 20 years. Dental implants are a great option to rejuvenate your smile and oral health. Here are some additional benefits of dental implants:
  • Your self-image will improve
  • You will be able to eat without pain
  • You will experience an improvement in overall comfort
  • It will be easier to communicate with others
  • Your implants will last years
  • You will have improved your oral health
  • Dental implants require no extra maintenance


Dentures do much more than just improve your smile and appearance; they also allow you to retain your ability to speak and eat comfortably. Full dentures are removable teeth replacements that can be crafted to provide characteristics, such as tooth shape and color, that you choose. 

If you already have dentures and still have trouble chewing or speaking and have sore gums, your dentures may be the incorrect fit for your mouth. Our cosmetic dentists can help give you back peace of mind that your dentures will be fully secure by correcting the fit and making them more comfortable for you.


In some cases, a partial denture, or bridge, is enough of a replacement for missing teeth. We literally bridge the gap between the missing teeth with artificial ones. This removable partial piece can be placed or removed by you at any time. Although dental bridges can be made from a variety of materials such as gold, typically they’re made from porcelain to aesthetically blend in with your natural teeth.


However, there are also fixed bridges available, where only Dr. Rob will be able to move the piece. With fixed bridges, a false tooth (pontic) and its anchor (abutment crown) fix the bridge in place.


If you’re struggling with broken or missing teeth, it’s time to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist. At Robert D. Aufrichtig, D.M.D., we have years of experience in restoring smiles with dental implants. No matter your dental struggles, we’re here to help. We’ll examine your teeth to determine if dental implants are right for you. Whether you choose to move forward with dental implants or another solution, we will make sure your smile is as natural-looking as possible.

For years, our cosmetic dentist has created bright smiles with dental implants for residents across Mt. Kisco, NY and the surrounding communities. Whether you’re missing one or multiple teeth, dental implants will not only restore your smile but the ability to eat properly. If you live in the Mt. Kisco, NY area and are interested in learning more about dental implants, reach out to us today. We look forward to restoring your smile!

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